Any type of food is acceptable. It doesn't have to be fancy, but make sure it's not sloppy and unorganized. Make sure the lighting and positioning of your food is good too. If the food contains any sauce or dressing, that's fine, as long as we can see the main dish. If you want to make sure your photo is good, my contact information is on your left.
We can take paintings, drawings, and photos of artistic entities. If you're submitting a portrait, it can't have nudity, drugs, or illegal activity. If you want to make sure your photo is good, my contact information is on your left.
Nature includes plants, trees, wetlands, etc. If there are any animals or insects in the photo, don't fret. Just as long as they don't take up most of the picture. If your photo is in the dark, make sure we can see what you were going for (sunset, stars, etc.). If you have any questions, my contact information is on the left.